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Humans' Pet - dogs


Though this subject is really anathema to me, in view of my early years’ experience with street dogs, still, I venture into this article, seeing the love and affection shown by the proud owners of the pet dog morning walkers and by our dear and near ones towards the pet dogs and the satisfaction they attained in fondling/playing with the puppies/dogs.

Human- canine (descendant of wolf) interactions run deep into centuries, at least 15000 years and canines are one of the earliest animals domesticated by humans mostly for hunting. Early religions associate dogs with myths, tales, and cultures. Hindu religion went one step further to give companion to gods status to dogs. Later, canines’ services expanded to defense/policing, search and rescue, therapy and detection/sniffing narcotics, bombs etc. In this process of evolution, dogs have become pets and the most trusted friend to human being.

In North America and in Europe per capita population of pet dogs are more than rest of the world for obvious reasons. USA spent around $125 billion per year on pet dogs and that is about 2.5 times more than the amount spent on homeless people (who bothers about homeless people)

Every year, American Kennel club publishes ‘The most popular dogs breed’ and listed around 200 breeds and Retrievers (Labrador), French bull dogs, German shepherd, poodles, Beagles are most popular in 2021.

Some photos and details of the most popular breeds listed in AKC report are provided in the link below:

Tamil Nādu, too, have many native popular breeds like chippiparai, Rajapalayam, Kanni and Kombai and they are in no way inferior to the popular breeds listed above.

Photos of varieties of dogs clicked during the morning walk are shared here and I tried identifying some of them and leave the rest to you for identification

Golden Labrador

Maltese dog


French bull dog

Bull dog

Great dane

Great dane

Boxers dog

Pack of dogs

Golden retriever

Pack of dogs

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