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Quality of life and Street arts/sculptures


Quality of life of any human being, as I see, can be defined as a measure, how easy he/she can access to the clean air/ environment, clean water, affordable housing, quality education, healthy food, wellness/health care facilities, mobility/transit, opportunity for employment & upward mobility, freedom, and safety & security.

Every government in this world, however small or big, superpower or powerless, rich or poor, democratic or autocratic, as they may be, would strive to provide quality of life to their subjects/people in their own way and fashion notwithstanding the corruption, anarchy. disorder, poverty, inefficiency, and chaos in their system. Some are successful, but many are not. That is why, in this world, still vast chunk of people is not having a desired quality of life.

India, even with the meagre resources inherited from the colonizers and the constraints imposed by the humongous population, progressed into a fifth largest economy in the world after 75 years of Independence, however, succeeded only in a modest way in providing quality life to its people. ( By the process of progress, it has lifted millions and millions of people out of poverty, a herculean task achieved and is visible on the streets and country sides of India.

In comparison, however, most countries in the Western hemisphere, mainly by their ill-gotten wealth amassed from their colonized nations, are providing good quality of life to their people. It can be evidenced from their air quality index, water quality in water bodies, housing to most population (though, still we can see homeless people on the streets in major cities), citadels of higher learning, fine dining resources & restaurants (leaving aside the availability of junk foods in many countries), highly sophisticated/advanced medical institutions/wellness centers, vast transportation networks, less unemployment among youths and opportunities to switch jobs, democratic institutions & freedom of speech , fairly good safety and security setup.

As an add on, many cities exhibit street arts & sculptures help put up by individuals, Government bodies, Industrial organizations, realtors, and park authorities. One such collection is shared with you for your visual treat and appreciation.

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