Wrong side driving : A driver driving deliberately or inadvertently against the normal flow of traffic. In India as well as in Tamil Nadu, this is a menace of epic proportion and is the second most causative factor for the road accident fatalities.
Tamil Nadu, the most urbanized and most industrialized state in India is an economic power house with a GDP of USD 311 billion ( 2022-23 estimate) could very well be placed between 40 - 45th rank of the global GDP rankings vis s vis India's 5th rank with a GDP of USD 3.5 trillion ( 2022 -23 estimate). Tamil Nadu's ambitious target of becoming USD 1 trillion economy by 2030 , if achieved, would be laudable.
This tremendous economic progress achieved by India and Tamil Nadu has not been reflected in the Indian ministry of Road transport & highways, Road accident report 2021 which shows 4,12,432 accidents in India resulted in 1,53,972 fatalities, constituting about 10% of the total road accidents of the world. Tamil Nadu has the dubious distinction of topping the states with most number of road accidents ( 55,682).
https://morth.nic.in/sites/default/files/RA_2021_Compressed.pdf . (Road accident report 2021)
As per the report, major causative factors for the accidents & fatalities are over speeding, driving on wrong side, drunken driving , use of mobile phone, jumping red light in that order.
Road Accidents by type of Traffic Rules Violation during 2021
Of the 29.6 crores total vehicles registered in India , the share of two wheelers is almost 75% and the percentage of cars, jeeps & taxis is about 13%. (2019 statistics), Tamil Nadu has 3.01 crores registered vehicles and in that Chennai's share is 60 lakhs. In view of the sheer number, two wheelers are the major contributor for the road accidents and fatalities ( about 40%)
https://morth.nic.in/sites/default/files/RTYB-2017-18-2018-19.pdf ( Central Road Transport Year book 2018-19)
Road user category wise distribution of Accidents and Fatalities during 2021
Central Motor Vehicles Act 2019 and the subsequent amendments imposed heavy penalties for the traffic offences to make the drivers to follow traffic rules and to avoid accidents. In line with Central Government Act, all the state governments in India also amended their motor vehicles Act with steep penalties for traffic violations. It is a debatable point, whether the heavy penalties deter drivers to violate the traffic rules.
https://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2019/210413.pdf ( Central Motor Vehicles Act 2019)
Let us now discuss the possible reasons for the wrong side driving.
To avoid a long commute, driver takes a short cut.
Thrill or test of courage.
Lack of attitude to adhere to rules (As everyone does, I will also do)
Lack of awareness of road safety rules
Lack of enforcement of rules
Lack of empathy for others
Individual attitudinal and behavioral issues constitute the major reasons ( 4 out 6) for the wrong side driving pattern observed. Lack of awareness and enforcement laxity are the others. Attitudinal and behavioral changes of drivers are the only remedy for this menace which can only be imparted by the society at large and to some extent by education. Educating the students ( schools and colleges) about the traffic rules and regulations and the importance of adhering to the rules will help impart positive attitude and behavior of the potential drivers. Enforcement of rules will have an impact for a short period, since the enforcing personnel are limited for the extent of road length in India/Tamil Nadu ( As we have seen the recent traffic drive in Tamil Nadu imposing fines on traffic violators and now the tempo is reduced) . Other possible remedies ( though the impact is less) are by improving the design and engineering of the road system by providing adequate u turns and turning points along the city roads and internal roads and proper and better signage along the roads.
Snaps clicked on two arterials roads of Chennai and few from the social media are attached herewith
Near VR Mall, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Chennai, India
Near Tirumangalam Signal, Ambattur estate road, Chennai, India
Even heavy vehicles are driven on wrong side.
Cars and vans are no exceptions
Well documented mental sickness of the Indian drivers. When you issue 100s of driving licences in a single day in a single RTO then what discipline can we expect. And above all this the Law Enforcement ….. less said the better. When they catch a crime immediatley Bargain starts. So whenever the Government increases the penalty for a road offence there is one set of people who are very happy : Traffic Cops !!
Makes a good reading.